Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas to all!

It's December 25 here, so it's reasonable to greet everyone a merry Christmas. We've had a lot of good things that happened, so let's share the good things to everyone.

I'm currently at my aunt's house, so HotK is a little held up. But this also part of my scheduled accomplishment of the new game. I'll be back to work at January 5, 2015. Once I get back I'll push my free time to work on Prologue and, if possible, Chapter 1. There might be a few changes to the flow of the story, so please try not to complain about it. I'm studying, researching about some things and working on HotK at the same time, so it's not too bad to ask not push me beyond my limits (though I've tried that a few times on different ocassions). I've also had my fair share of bad luck, so...yeah.

Anyway, again merry Christmas, and expect the new HotK to come out any time on the third week of January.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Getting the Kingdom back on track! December updates!

It's good to see that a lot of people are interested in seeing HotK up to the finish, so I've thought of working on a rather slow approach by renting a computer at an internet cafe as much as time would allow.

It's not that busy with school, actually, so I'm working hard on an all new Liberty - Heart of the Kingdom. It will have new modifications to how it used to be in its old version.

* Get tutorials faster before going into an actual fight
* Invest on your Heroes' training with Credits
* Interact with everyone when you have time
* Faster leveling for Heroes on both Active and Standby
* RTS-focused with RPG elements, only now there are more RTS than standard RPGs
* Engage on quests even while under RTS Mode
* All-new improvements to shops and interacting with the World
* Neutral characters now have a story to tell (Era, Amenisa, Fey and two others)
* Access past events with the all-new Memory system (personally developed by me)

These are only the few (is that even few to count?) changes to be expected on the new release and rework. There will also be changes to this blog as well as the HF thread. It might take a little while to make these all happen, but it is possible. Expect a release by third week of January 2015 if my schedule holds up as it is.

Continue your support, commander! It will lead us to victory soon!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Kingdom was caught on fire!

During the past few weeks, I haven't been active at Hongfire for some time. That's because our home was among the casualties of fire that broke out. Only a few of our appliances were saved, but I forgot the most important thing for every developer: the laptop and external hard drive. Now all of my back-ups are in ashes!

I was only able to recover from what happened recently, and it really is sad that, despite the number of people waiting and supporting Liberty - Heart of the Kingdom, it all disappeared with just one fire incident. Now I'm trying to get back on my feet, but I doubt I could still work on HotK without a personal computer. I also have to recover my scripts listings and my old project from either Mediafire or MEGA, so I'll leave the game download open for a while.

This only means that HotK will have to go on a bit of vacation. For those who would like to help, I still appreciate all that I could get, specially if anyone can return an unencrypted version of HotK. Then all I have to worry about is on what computer I should work at. I mean, I'm not that rich to rent a computer on a per-hour basis just to work on HotK.

Anyway, I'll update this site once I get things back up and running again. Thanks for supporting and please continue to support Liberty - Heart of the Kingdom!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

An early release for Chapter 4

Hi again! It's almost Christmas season, and for almost four months Liberty has been going steady despite the unexpected events happening in my personal life. Still, I would like everyone to know that Chapter 4 will be released soon. This chapter, however, doesn't involve too much battles, but rather focuses of the plot of the story.

Secrets begin to unfold as their newest member arrives, and Justin's companions are starting to doubt his true identity. As The One Who Holds Destiny, how will he cope with hiding his past while protecting the people who chose to follow him? Will it end up in a coup? Or will he find refuge among their trust?

Also, I would like to thank everyone for your continued support. And for that, I have a surprise for people who will download the game from December 23, 2014 to January 3, 2015. It's under prototype, but I'd like to show my thanks to you all.

Around December, I'll be getting a bit of vacation time, which means no work for the moment. But around the start of next year, I'll get back into development. I'm also thinking of remodeling this blog with a live chat. Though I may not be online all the time, at least the people who need help with the game can get help from others currently reading.

Anyway, that's all for now. Expect the release of Chapter 4 around the first week of December, along with special gifts for old and new players alike.

Good luck and advanced greetings to all!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Getting things ready for next chapter's release in December

Hello again. I hope you're still getting things ready for next chapter, and I am, too. Get your weapons ready and plan ahead, war is about to erupt between Hotus and the three kingdoms. How will you handle it?

There are a few things I have to do at school, but I'll still put this game's development as top priority.

I got a post asking what the box at Tesa Forestry is for. Well, it's for one of the neutral characters, and you need that character to open the box, as well as other boxes scattered all over the place. There are currently three by the release of Chapter 3, and there's a new box to be released by the next chapter.

Warn you, if you want to open the box, get the neutral character first, which, in a probability theory, would require at least a good set of characters, as the enemies guarding have about 3000 HP, 300 Atk and 300 Def. They're also resistant to most spells, so take caution.

Anyway, good luck out there, commanders!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Chapter 3 is now released!

Oh. An early update! Chapter 3 is now ready for download via MEGA and Mediafire!!!

I decided to upload early because I'll be busy the next day. Hope you like this chapter. As always, keep reporting any bugs and errors you may find on Hongfire. Good luck!

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Just finished Chapter 3 before Halloween

Hahaha! I just finished Chapter 3 before the Halloween season! Now I get to rest for a bit, but I'll be back to work on Chapter 4 next.

Expect the release of Chapter 3 before November 1. Tread carefully, commander!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Only a few weeks before Halloween, and I'm not half done!

Oh God, it's almost Halloween time! And I'm not half done with Chapter III!

What the hell?!

Boosting production rate by 500%

Good luck if I'm still sane after releasing Chapter III.

I might need a break afterwards, but will try to get back to work early for the next release.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Classes are almost over = more time for work!

My classes are over in about a week. More hassle in reviewing for exams, but it means I can finally get back to working on Liberty. I only have a few weeks before the month ends, and I hope I can finish before November.

Expect a few changes, as well as other new characters (aside from the main ones).

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Need to get back to work, with or without the mods!

Okay, it's been a few days since I made my request for a clothing mod, and, well, being unproductive isn't really good for me, so I thought of making an alternate maid doll costume for the character I'm stuck with.

I'll just have to make do with whatever mods I have with me. I need a bit of time to figure things out as well, so I'll be working double shifts now. Keep updated on Liberty - Heart of the Kingdom!

Monday, September 29, 2014

And...I'm a bit stuck! OH NO!!!

Oh God, I'm stuck with a character on Liberty. I'm missing a long-sleeved maid uniform, like Alice Margatroid's (Touhou) doll Shanghai, and I need it because one of the characters is a puppeteer, and I want her bust to have a floating doll like Alice does.

Well, anyway, I was able to release Chapter II quite ahead of schedule, and I'm planning to release Chapter III by the first day of November.

That's my teaser for now: experience Halloween events at the same time as Liberty's Chapter III release!

Thread carefully...

Monday, September 22, 2014

Finally! A development blog!

Hi everyone, ghwvjts here saying that the development blog for Liberty - Heart of the Kingdom is now up and running! YAY!

Now, you can check updates here as well if the thread at Hongfire is giving you trouble. Also, you can find what I've been doing since the last release.

This is in addition to Chapter II's release, and to catch up with other H-game developers at Hongfire, so take a look around!

You can also download the game here, if your current network is preventing you to access Hongfire.
And if you feel like my game is worth continuing, feel free to donate. Who knows, I might continue a second (and possibly a third) season for it! All new system, all new characters all connected from Heart of the Kingdom!

That's it for now! Watch out for Chapter II, it's close to its release! Take care, commander!