Thursday, March 26, 2015

Working out a few bugs before the release...AH!

Hi there. I know you're all eager to see what changes might be present in Chapter 2 of Heart of the Kingdom (for those who aren't, ignore what I said), so I'm getting all worked up to finish it as soon as I can. There have been major changes in Chapter 2, so feel free to look for them once the game comes out.

I'm also checking on a few things that could help out the game in its developmental aspect, but that might take a while to get up. I'll also set up a small poll upon the release of the game, so share with me your thoughts about it.

If I'm checking this correctly, the game should come out around April 6-8, 2015 for Patreon supporters, and April 13-15 for standard supporters.

I really am glad that I finally have something to do that I love rather than sit in front of the computer for an entire day watching the same anime for the millionth time.

Once again, keep a weather eye out for Chapter 2!

Monday, March 16, 2015

Woohoo! A new scene! What could this be?

Getting back on track with the original story was hard work, but I guess it's worth the time I spent making this scene and the others after it.

Are you curious as to what it might be? Find out on Chapter II!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Some good news for me and everyone

I've recently mustered the courage to move out of my current home and move to my aunt's place while I work on Liberty. Which means I now have a temporary way of working with the game without using too much money. It would also give me some peace of mind as I work to my heart's content until my Patreon campaign can help me buy a personal computer and establish a place of my own. Right now, I'm aiming for around $400+ per month after I save up for a laptop or desktop (preferably a laptop so I can work out of home).

For now, expect the game to be released quicker than expected, but not as quick as it used to be. In a few weeks I'll be moving out of my godforsaken home and to my aunt, then after getting a laptop and reaching the $400+ per month mark, I'll be moving out to a place of my own.

There will also be changes to my Patreon campaign, specifically the pledges and milestones. Also, Chapter 2 is close to its release, so keep a close watch on the sites I've mentioned.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

P.S: The image below is for site-improvement purposes only.