Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Some good news for me and everyone

I've recently mustered the courage to move out of my current home and move to my aunt's place while I work on Liberty. Which means I now have a temporary way of working with the game without using too much money. It would also give me some peace of mind as I work to my heart's content until my Patreon campaign can help me buy a personal computer and establish a place of my own. Right now, I'm aiming for around $400+ per month after I save up for a laptop or desktop (preferably a laptop so I can work out of home).

For now, expect the game to be released quicker than expected, but not as quick as it used to be. In a few weeks I'll be moving out of my godforsaken home and to my aunt, then after getting a laptop and reaching the $400+ per month mark, I'll be moving out to a place of my own.

There will also be changes to my Patreon campaign, specifically the pledges and milestones. Also, Chapter 2 is close to its release, so keep a close watch on the sites I've mentioned.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

P.S: The image below is for site-improvement purposes only.

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